Friday, May 13, 2016

Drawn to a Book Cover

Many times, (being a graphic designer by day), what attracts me to a book is the book cover. And an artist that grabs me every single time, is Tony Mauro. From Chloe Neill, Jennifer Estep and Nalini Singh, a cover can grab your attention, give the author that critical second look that stands out from the pack of books they are competing with - and when they employ Tony Mauro for cover art, they've got my second look. Tony has a real knack for illustrating the setting and feel of a book, with just his cover work. There are several more books that I've picked up and read, just because I saw his work on the cover.

A few of his works (and yes, I've read all these books, and will report):

So think about that, did you pick up a book because the cover attracted you enough to read it's back cover in a book store, or enough to stop you to read the blurb online? A good cover can get the second look, but a GREAT cover will convey what's inside the book. So check out the rest of Tony Mauro's Book Cover Illustrations. 


  1. Those are gorgeous covers! Myra

  2. Aren't they though? I hope to interview Tony Mauro in an upcoming edition of Uncaged. :)


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